v4.5 [Aug 15, 2015]
Support for FT810 & FT811/EVE controller from FTDI Chip.
v3.8 [Jan 7, 2014]
- Support for FT800/EVE controller from FTDI Chip.
- integrated Live Update tool so you can receive features and improvements instantly
v2.7 [Jul 10, 2012]
- New! Info hint over unselected objects.
- Improved: Align lines with other objects is now allowed.
- Improved: Closing dialog boxes on ESCAPE is now allowed.
- Improved: Editing group member on double click.
- Fixed: Project version was not saved by importing project, causing the project to be imported multiple times.
- Fixed: Import project action created project backup in the same directory.
- Fixed: Canceling project backup did not cancel import project action.
- Fixed: Bring to front Line object did not give any results.
- Fixed: "Generate code on save" check box in Project Settings window had no effect.
- Fixed: Clicking outside of screen area when adding line to screen caused unexpected behavior.
- Fixed: Cursors for inserting objects were not always visible.
- Fixed: Opening project by dragging it from windows explorer crashes application if dragging file is not Visual TFT project file.
- Fixed: Align actions used first selected object as a reference.
- Fixed: Aligning was enabled even if layer is locked.
- Fixed: "Make same width" and "Make same height" actions did not re-size proportional objects proportionally.
- Fixed: Save cursor did not show when positioned over screen area.
- Fixed: Save button was not disabled while saving in progress.
- Fixed: Select Font dialog - "End Char" value could be smaller than "Start Char" value.
- Fixed: Select Font dialog - font size control did not forbid non-numerical characters to by typed, which was crashing application.
- Fixed: Editing colors was possible even if layer is locked.